Bike Trains

For communities that want to encourage bicycling to school, a bicycle train offers a safe, fun way to ride as a group. Because of the equipment involved and the potential need to ride on a road, planning and conducting a bicycle train is more involved than having a walking school bus, such as additional adult supervision and knowledge about how to lead a group of students on bicycle. 


How to Start a Bike Train

For more information on how to get a bike train started, and an introduction on how to safely lead a bike train, watch our "How to Start a Bike Train" webinar! 
Also, consider sharing this informational "Are you a Parent Who Bikes?" flyer (Eng/Span) in with your school community, to engage parents who bicycle (or are interested in bicycling) in your SRTS program, in potentially leading a bike train, in advocating for safer routes to school, and more! 

How to Lead a Bike Train

For additional information and guidance on how to safely lead a bike train: 


Sample Bike Train Promotional Flyers

(download and modify with your own content)

Contact us for additional guidance and support in identifying Bike Train routes, how to lead a bike train, creating a flyer, or any other questions you may have!